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Rolling Towards Easter

Leg of lamb, cooked to perfection

If you’re looking for a pass from your disapproving Aunt Silvia as you tie one on this Easter Sunday, make sure you achieve that easy afternoon buzz with a few bottles of Rolling Rock. If anyone so much as raises an eyebrow, just tell them that you’re celebrating the occasion with Easter beer. If they remain skeptical of your piety respond with Luke 24:2-3: “And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.” Vindication. What could be more in the spirit of the resurrection than enjoying a bottle of suds named for the holiday’s second most impressive miracle? Then say, “He is risen, indeed” as you pull another frosty brew from the cooler.

However, I should mention that in order for the Easter beer cover to hold water, you’ll also need to serve your guests some traditional holiday fare. A hearty cut of lamb or ham will certainly do the trick, and on that front we’ve got you covered here at Perrotti’s. As the holiday approaches we’ll have limited quantities of American Leg of Lamb fresh hams, smoked hams, spiral hams, as well as other roasts in stock in stock, so be sure to give us a call at 908-306-8806 to reserve yours today.

If you’re looking to add some flare to this year’s ham, check out this article from Southern Living to choose a recipe that you believe will pair best with copious amounts of Rolling Rock. We’re partial to the Brown Sugar-Bourbon Glaze. If you’ll be serving lamb this year, you can keep things simple this basic recipe for roast leg of lamb, or you take your efforts to the next level with this overnight marinade.

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